Took a little ride around downtown Boca Raton to find a bar to have a quick pint. At which point we found out that google maps lies and all the bars that were advertised don't exist anymore. So we ended up in an Irish pub of all things surrounded by jocks shouting at the numerous American Football games being shown..Cheapest drinks we've found although not the greatest company.
Setting off at the acustomery midday (like all "mad dogs") we headed out insearch of cushy for the tushy (forgot how razor-like bike seats are) and the necessary part for Joss' bike.
It was Hot..Very Hot..!..Again Google lied and the bike shop wasn't there..only 3 miles we decided to have lunch at the first place we could find..Turned out to be a good idea as we found a little Greek/Turkish place with a really funny owner who constantly tried to push beer in us..9% Russian beer to be precise..we promised to go back without bikes to try it . Really good Gyro though.
Once fed and watered we set off to find the bike shop another 3 miles or so away.Of course it wasn't as easy as that.It was more like 4 maybe 5 miles.....They couldn't help. Stopped at a shop to get a drink where we met the drunk who obviously liked our rides and he told us the best place to go and it was only round the corner. Turns out it was!
Joss was all cock-a-hoop to be sat down after several miles
Now the real fun began...getting back!
As everything here is in squares you would have thought heading west would get us home..oh no..It sends you though an industrial estate and on to the shonkiest area we have yet encoutered.
I believe the phrase was "hey bitch come here so I can take your bikes".Don't know if that approach often works but we didn't so much leg it as speed up a little to get out of there.
Once back on the right side of the tracks it was fairly easy to find our way back.
We are currently sitting in pools of sweat relived that we have both our steads and wallets intact.
Egg Rating: overall -6 rising briefly to a worried +5