Ok..so this is just going to be mainly Photo's..Spent the past couple of days Wading through swamps, Wrestling Alligators for dinner and sneaking through Vampire infested Cemeteries to get these..What do you want?....Blood!


More swamp


Marsh- This one was particularly hard to find...4 miles of foot melting swamp..but you don't care..ingrates! (Joss says that your not ingrates you're all lovely people.....sorry)




.......................................................................................................Proper tasty too!!

Urmmm..is it me but doing my laundry doen't usually invlove seeing a band, whilst being served beers and burgers?

Well after all of that...Lego man and Crabby were hungry too.. they weren't impressed with our deep fried gator ..so CHEEZ-IT po' boys it was..
Egg-o-metre: 2 days of sunny chilled minus 3-4...rising briefly when saw the lack of Reeses i the fridge
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