Huge thanks to Bonnie and Jeff for their hospitality and guidance.
Unable to take pictures of the beautiful south beach , due to thunderstorms and it looking more like an afternoon in Eastbourne, which was a shame.As it's all rather impressive and charming down there.
Last Thursday Joss expierenced his first full Thanksgiving dinner , and boy what a feast it was! 2 turkeys(one deep fried) , a ham, and all the trimmings including a choice apple, cherry or pumkin pie for desert. much fun was had and we all ate far too much, brill!
After such a warm welcome at Ila and Steve's it seemed rude not to leave Jon and Leslie to a few days well earned rest from the Clones and move in to Cousin Ila's for a while.
It was the first time Mark had spent any real time with his cousisn's so it was great to all hang out drinking beers, playing guitar and ofcourse stting down to more food!! (got to look after to food babies they're growing)
Ok .. to the issue at hand the transport.
We spent litteraly days tring to get this RV up and runing ad the costs were mounting uncontrolably. Something had to change.
We got up on line and after a day of looking evetually found our ride. As you can see it's Outstanding and super Scooby-Doo!!
The van came at a snap of $800 although making it road worthy a little more (thanks Harrie and Michael). Well worth it though. Huge thanks go out to Steve and Ila for not only putting a roof over our heads and dealing with minus egg status but helping us BIG time in getting to the stage that we can finally leave Florida.
Love you all !!!
So tomorrow we Cheeze-it out of the state. Hopeing to get to South Carolina by sunset.
this might be the last update for a few days as we are off into the sticks of the Carolina's and Tennesee but be sure that we will be updating you all on our return to civilisation on all things egg and non egg related.
Egg-o-Meter: Swinging violently but leveling off over the past few hours to an expectant -2/-3
Bloody great van guys!, chevrolet i see, very meaty and so 80s. Hope you kept yur bmx's too, you can imagine you gone back in time to 80s usa like ew only see on tv, Arrr wish could be there to 80s it up.
ReplyDeleteLooks more A-Team than mystery machine! Good werk getting mobile, look forward to hearing about your road trip.